Services delivered: Gift Upgrade Rebranding
Visual identity
Logo Design
Basic Brand Design system (Color Palette, Fonts, Patterns)
Brand Collaterals (Digital&Print: Bags, Cards, Stickers, Flyers, Social Media Banners, Email Landing Page)
Apparel Design
Case Study

Zmiles - E altceva!

When we first met Mihaela, it became clear that she is exactly the kind of partner we are hoping for: open to ideas, engaged in the process, and really passionate about her business.

Mihaela approached us about rebranding her company, Gift Upgrade (she wanted a new name and a total refresh on the visual identity). She wanted to express the thrill of surprise, the “wow” factor, and the satisfaction of giving and receiving a thoughtful gift in a vibrant, yet subtle, friendly way. 

Our approach

The challenge was to build on the existing strategy, to understand and define the brand’s personality, and only then to develop the visual identity because Mihaela had worked with another partner on the brand strategy before she met us.

But that was more exciting than challenging for us. Together with Mihaela, we established the Archetypes Mix (The Creator – because the brand wants to convey emotion and joy through creative and original ideas + The Carer – because all brand actions revolve around giving support, counsel, and empathy to others).

The brand’s name was chosen after a creative brainstorming workshop with Mihaela and based on the Mix of Archetypes. We wanted the name to capture the main brand message: while we express joy differently, we all share one common type of behavior: we smile. This is exactly what we wanted to convey through the name: what the brand stands for – to make people smile. 


Logomark Idea

Logo System

Brand Collaterals

You’re one click far from the Brand you’ve always wanted!

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Servicii oferite: Rebranding Gift Upgrade
Identitate vizuala
Logo Design
Basic Brand Design system (Paleta de culori, fonturi, Patterns)
Brand Collaterals (Digital & Print: Pungi, Felicitari, Stickere, Flyere, Social Media Banner, Newsletter LandingPage)
Grafica Articole Vestimentare
Studiu de caz

Zmiles - E altceva!

Atunci cand am intalnit-o pe Mihaela, ne-am dat seama ca este exact partenerul cu care ne-am dori sa lucram: deschis la propuneri, implicat pe proces si cu o mare pasiune pentru business-ul lui. 

Mihaela a venit la noi cu o solicitare de rebranding pentru business-ul ei, Gift Upgrade (nume nou si refresh total pe identitatea vizuala). De baza in nevoia ei de identitate de brand era surprinderea sentimentului de surpriza, efect wow si promovarea bucuriei de a primi si de a oferi un cadou aparte, cu insemnatate pentru cei dragi, toate intr-o forma colorata, dar simpla si de bun gust.

Abordarea noastra

Pentru ca Mihaela colaborase cu un alt partener pe strategia de brand inainte sa ne cunoasca, provocarea a fost in primul rand sa construim pe strategia existenta, sa venim cu completari pentru a intelege si definitiva personalitatea brandului si abia apoi sa construim identitatea vizuala.

Impreuna cu ea, am stabilit un mix de Arhetipuri pentru Brand: Arhetipul Artist/Creator, pentru ca brandul isi doreste sa transmita emotie si bucurie, prin idei creative si originale care sa fie “altceva” + Arhetipul Carer, pentru ca toate actiunile se invart in jurul suportului, sfaturilor si empatiei catre ceilalti. 

Pornind de la Mixul de Arhetipuri si in urma Workshop-ului parcurs impreuna cu Mihaela, am decis si numele nou al brandului, Zmiles. Numele rezuma ideea principala atunci cand primesti un cadou care iti place si pe care il consideri special: cu totii traim emotii si senzatii diferite in corp atunci cand resimtim bucurie, insa un lucru este comun: cu totii zambim. Fix acest lucru doreste sa transmita si brandul, nu doar prin nume, ci prin tot ce reprezinta el, sa aduca zambete in vietile oamenilor.


Constructie Logomark

Logo System

Brand Collaterals

Esti la un Click distanta de Brandul lacare ai visat dintotdeauna!

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