Services delivered
Visual identity
Web Development
Digital Ads
Brand Collaterals
Nelsa specializes in high-end residential building and interior design. The major goal is to create a luxury lifestyle concept and deliver value through exquisite houses, first-class services and superior interior and exterior finishes.
Our challenge was to create a high-end brand that is modern, minimalist and exclusive. The brand should express confidence, reliability and quality, along with beauty, elegance and fine taste through a clear brand strategy and a premium brand identity.
In the first stages of our process, we assigned features and values to the brand, normally associated with personality traits. This helped us determine how the brand should interact with its target demographic and selecting a consistent tone (superior, strong, directive and confident).
We chose the Ruler as the main brand archetype. We kept the identity as simple as possible to convey the idea of premium and exclusive, meant to position the brand as a ruler in the industry.
Through our analysis we discovered that another archetype should be taken into consideration, the Lover. We used thin lines, sans serif fonts, clean and minimalist graphics and avoided unnecessary elements to clearly represent a luxury, modern and elegant brand.
Brandul NELSA este specializat in constructii rezidentiale si design interior high-end. Nevoia principala a business-ului a fost transmiterea prin identitatea de brand a unui stil de viata de lux, prin case rafinate, servicii de prima clasa si finisaje interioare si exterioare premium.
Provocarea noastra a fost crearea unui brand modern, minimalist si exclusivist, care sa transmita incredere, calitate, eleganta si rafinament, prin dezvoltarea unei strategii de brand clare si a unei identitati de brand premium.
In primele etape ale procesului nostru, am atribuit brandului caracteristici si valori umane, pentru a determina modul in are ar trebui sa interactioneze cu publicul tinta si pentru a selecta o voce si un ton potrivit (puternic, directiv, increzator si demn de incredere).
Aceste informatii ne-au condus la alegerea personalitatii Ruler, ca arhetip principal. Am construit in jurul acestei personalitati o identitate vizuala simpla, dar cu un aer premium, care sa pozitioneze brandul superior in industrie.
Tot din analiza industriei am decoperit un alt arhetip care ar trebui luat in considerare, The Lover. Am folosit linii subtiri, fonturi sans serif, grafica curata si minimalista, pentru transmiterea unei imagini premium si eleganta.
Email: contact@inobox.ro
Adress: Street Copaceni, no 46, et. 3, Bucharest
Working hours: L – V | 10:00 – 18:00