Questionnaire – Free Brand Auditadmin2023-09-29T20:33:54+00:00Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 10 STARTLet’s know each other first!Full Name *Email *Phone *Business / Website *NEXT(1/8) For how many years have you been active on the market?BackNEXT(2/8) Where's your business presentOnlineOfflineBothBackNEXT(3/8) In which country/countries you are present?NextNEXT(4/8) Do you have an in-house marketing team, and if yes, what is the team's size?BackNEXT(5/8) How do you measure your brand awareness?BackNEXT(6/8) What is the biggest frustration you have when looking at your business?BackNEXT(7/8) What's your previous year's turnover?BackNEXT(8/8) What are 3 reasons why you wanted a Brand Audit?EmailSEND ANSWERS