Terapie de Bine
Services delivered
Visual Identity
Web Development
Digital Ads
Brand Collaterals
Case Study

Terapie de Bine

Terapie de Bine aims to be an individual practice that will help people to be healthier, stronger and last, but not least, happier. It focuses on wellbeing, both physically and emotionally and the deep connection between heart and mind.

We created the visual identity from scratch, from the logo concept, to color palette and brand collaterals. Feelings we wanted to emulate were simplicity, calmness, femininity, kindness.

Logomark Idea

The 2-person talking – represents the therapy concept, the connection between people, the act of speaking and listening and the therapeutic relationship

The tree – represents transformation, growth, the power to overcome challenges through therapy sessions.

Logo System

You’re one click far from the Brand you’ve always wanted!

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Terapie de Bine
Servicii oferite
Identitate vizuala
Web Development
Digital Ads
Brand Collaterals
Studiu de caz

Terapie de Bine

Terapie de Bine este un brand de psihoterapie care isi propune sa ajute oamenii sa fie mai sanatosi, mai puternici si mai fericiti. Se concentreaza pe bunastarea fizica si emotionala si pe legatura profunda dintre inima si minte.Am creat identitatea vizuala Terapie de Bine de la 0, de la conceptul de logo, pana la paleta de culori si diverse colaterale ale brandului si am incercat surprinderea sentimentelor de simplitate, calm, feminitate si bunatate.

Constructie Logomark

2 Persoane care discuta – simbolizeaza terapia, conectarea cu ceilalti, comunicare si ascultare, relatia terapeutica 

Ramuri de copac – simbolizeaza transformarea, cresterea si puterea de a trece peste provocari in urma sedintelor de terapie.

Logo System

Esti la un Click distanta de Brandul lacare ai visat dintotdeauna!

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